Ladies Rally

Women teams only

La Vitesse

„Yes I am a girl – I speak fluent racing!“

With all respect to men – women … really most of the times … are the better drivers. Where “dust is their make-up and petrol is their perfume” the ladies teams perform in the rally crossing Mallorca on the iconic West- and East-Coast.

The natural self-consciousness of our “La Vitesse”-teams stands for itself – the women-only community guarantees joy and fun on the run.

Only 20 cars/teams are allowed to register for this rally. Women pilots and co-pilots and cars from 1925 – 1995 are allowed to apply. If we reach the limited number of participants, we may have to make a selection – clearly classic cars who reflect the spirit of racing from the 20s until the 70s are in the focus for “La Vitesse”.

Rally "La Vitesse" Routes

Rally days: October 3rd and 4th, 2024

The participants of “La Vitesse” are welcomed as special guests in the Concours-Field of “The Grand” at Golf Son Vida. Please refer to page “Participation”.

In order to support the selected charity-projects even more we will have “Celebrity Teams” in our rallies. These “Teams for Good” are always a combination of well-known people from the island, from classic or modern cars and motorsports or screen and stage in rally-cars.

They drive off to raise funds.

A drivers-bourse will open to see the Celebrities joining “On Tour” – to join a team or win a Celebrity as a team member you will be asked severally for a donation. The celebrity-teams can either join “On Tour” or “La Vitesse”. Information in detail to follow here.


October 2nd, 2024
  • Scrutineering and Check-In at Motoworld Mallorca/Palma
  • Get together in the evening at the spectacular Assaona Beach-Club (reserved) with a perfect view on Palma’s cityscape with the famous cathedral
October 3rd, 2024
  • Route: East coast
  • Official Start at special place near Palma
  • Driving thru Palma / Presentation of the teams
  • Golf Club Alcanada for quick-stop
  • Beach Club El Sol / Son Serra Beach / quick-stop
  • Lunch near Arta / Special Location in the middle of olive- and almond-groves
  • Sanctuario de la Virgen de Bonany
  • Llucmajor / Circuit Mallorca**
  • Arrival in Palma for Finish Line
  • ICONS Evening Reception and Dinner in Palma (together with all entrants from all parts) in Castell de Bellver
October 4th, 2024
  • Route: West coast
  • Tramuntana Mountains
  • Winery Lunch at Castell Miguel
  • Port Soller / Sa Calobra
  • Visiting artists ateliers
  • Regularity stage at Puerto Portals Nous
  • Evening Reception and Dinner Puerto Portals Nous (front row in a top harbour location)
  • Awards and Trophy

*as per June 10th, 2024 / Hotel not included

** Circuit Mallorca in Llucmajor will be a part for a more competitive and timed stage (nothing to worry too much about) –
but there is plenty of time to really enjoy the island in a chilled mood for driver and co-pilot.

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